About me
Hi, I am Bhuvanesh , Your Digital marketing expert
Hi, I am Bhuvanesh ,
Your Digital marketing expert
I provide Pet business owners and companies An extra edge in Digital marketing
I provide Pet business owners
and companies An extra edge
in Digital marketing

I started working in the Digital marketing area in the year 2008. With 10 years of years experience in Digital marketing in almost all the platforms , If you are looking for a creative and innovative digital marketing expert to run your marketing campaigns and get a compelling ROI, I would say then you are on the right place.
My major focus is on SEO, Google Adwords , Facebook ads , Email marketing and Retargeting on all platforms. I almost have different job titles starting from SEO consultant , Remarketing consultant to Email marketing consultant. But I would prefer always one title and ie. “Someone who can bring difference and results in your pet business through Digital marketing” Pretty long title, right ? Yeah! 🙂
And I will help you to get your pet business found on

Using the 4 pillars of Digital Marketing
Global pet industry market will be crossing 200 billion US dollars by 2020 according to major market research companies. The market is always exponential and no signs to stop even during recession. My question is where are you at this race and what is your target revenues for next year. Just imagine if you could even capture the 0.1 percentage of this market share you could be making a 100 million dollars.
There a lot of petpreneurs there losing money on social media and advertising spend just because of one reason. They always forget the foundation and forgets to reverse engineer the whole marketing and sales process in generating revenue. No matter whatever the medium is ,every penny and effort you spend on social media & ad spends is doing atlast one thing. Ie. It is driving traffic to your pet business website and landing pages. If your website and landing pages is not optimized correctly and not targeted to the pet owners has an intent to buy ,then certainly you are going to lose the money.
Also most petpreneurs create social media pages just for the sake of it and jump to advertising and posting on social media. The big thing they are missing is not adding a good Call to action on the cover photos for social media. When you are doing posts and ads on social media, pet owners would be clicking on ads and visiting your social media pages. That is a great chance to communicate and resonate with them with a strong call to action. So if pet owners are impressed with your call to action and there are high chances they would visit their website or landing pages provided on the page.
Also, one major thing which confuses petpreneurs is that ,which social media to target the most for getting business. Please note that it is not always the cheap clicks which will lead to sales. You should always look for the ROI ( Return on Investment ) when directing traffic from social media whether Facebook , Google or Twitter.
Just for example please see the search volume and competition on dog supplements keyword on Google.

The cost per click is close to 3 dollars.But there is a high value for each click. So if you are driving some 1000 clicks to your website it would be costing 3000 dollars for you. If you can convert at least 10 percentage of that, you can have 100 customers. So if you can sell at least 100 dollar product to one customer , you can have 10,000 dollars in sales. Also, if you take the lifetime value of each pet owner it could be even more.
But strictly the results purely depends upon how the ads are, keyword selection strategy and landing page strategy. If anyone of these strategies fall weak , then it would be difficult to achieve those sales figures. So it is very important to spend money wisely on each social media platform.
So first ensure that you not wasting your money on your pet business by wrong targeting and your current website and landing pages. Your business focus should on this order.
- Website & Landing page strategy
- Social media page strategy
- Social media post strategy
- Advertising strategy
- Remarketing strategy
- Nurture strategy
- Conversion strategy
And don’t ever forget this.
“All roads lead to Rome, and all your prospects go atlast to website & Landing pages”
There could be ‘n’ number of reasons for your Pet business success. But I want to play the most important role as your Digital marketing strategist by putting website & Landing pages first and advertising second.
Are you doing the following mistakes when marketing your pet business?
- Publishing social media posts everyday without analyzing whether it is reaching pet owners or not.
- Creating blog post without researching the focus keywords related to pet business market and actual search volume in Google.
- Doing posts without your Company Logo and loosing the branding opportunity.
- Having Social media pages without the right CTA for pet owners and without the best landing pages
- Spending money on FB Ads without the right optimized landing page and right target audience
- Spending money on Google adwords without the right keywords on pet business market and landing page.
- Doing Email marketing on an email list which is outdated or not targeted and without implementing automation.
- Incorrectly doing the On page and Off page optimization of the pages on your website and loosing on the long term SEO game.
- Not researching enough about your competition and how they do better than you.
- Hiring a marketing consultant who is just there to bill you month after month.
- Last but not the least, not doing enough market research whether you are giving solution to an existing problem and pain points for the pet owners and pet business market.
- Not defining your exact USP and why pet owners should choose you over your competitor.