Attention : Pet business owners

Message from – Bhuvanesh ( Digital Marketing expert for Pet business)

Message to – All Pet business owners ( Pet store owners, Pet supplement companies, Pet trainers, Pet walking & Groomers , Pet sitters , Vets )

My offer for you – Grow your Pet business with predictable income every month With the right Digital marketing strategies

Priorities and Strategy – Focussing on website & Landing pages first and Social media & advertising second

Major social platforms to focus – Google adwords, Facebook ,Pinterest & SEO.

Key areas where I can help you in your pet business

Website audit
SEO Optimization
Social Media ads
Marketing strategy
Content Marketing
Marketing Analytics
Email marketing
Market research
Social Media Management

How your focus & energy should flow in Pet business

Website strategy

01. Website Strategy

Landing pages strategy

02. Landing pages Strategy

Social media strategy

03. Social media Strategy

04. Advertise & Scale

As a Pet business owner ( Easy to call you as a Petpreneur ) your major focus is increasing the revenue year after year by providing the best of your products to the market. If you reverse engineer the whole process of getting your dream revenue figures, I am sure that you will be coming back to the basics which is your website and landing pages( Your 24/7 Sales Man ). That’s where the real branding and conversions takes places for your business. So these are my questions to you which are really simple!
  • Is your website and landing pages are taken care and optimized in the right way?
  • Does it load fast?
  • Does it have good website components to attract and convert the pet owners whom you are targeting in campaigns?
  • Does it have good color to attract the audience and better font for readability?
  • Does it have a better tracking plugins to know about pet owners visitor data and visitor browsing behaviour on the website?
  • Does it have a retargeting mechanism to remarket to the website visitors who are actually pet owners on social media?
  • Does it have a funnel like experience where website visitors who are pet owners are handled step by step till a conversion which could be a sign up or payment?
If you have answered ‘No’ or ‘not sure’ to any one of the questions above you definitely need to start working on the website and landing pages before pouring money on Digital marketing campaigns or spending time on Social media.