5 steps to start a pet care business of your own!
Pet care business is one of the few businesses that are starting to get lucrative than they used to be. Someone once said that you probably should not be surprised if you hear that a pet care business somewhere, made it to the fortune 500 lists. Now, whether this happens or not, what we know is that there are increasing prospects for pet care business, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes a major venture for many more people.
These tendencies may have become so because more families have found some importance in keeping one or more of those domestic furry animals. In your neighbourhood, for instance, you really maybe the odd one, if you don’t have at least a kitten that follows you around the yard. Children on another hand, love to play with pets- so someone just got another reason to go see them at the pet shop.
Want to grow and scale your ‘Pet Care’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies & an Automated System which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!
Now, if you truly have what it takes to effectively care for people’s pets while they’re away, then now may be the time to start a pet care business of your own. There are several reasons why people would necessarily need such services- so don’t start thinking you may not get clients. However, you have to be able to convince pet owners that your services are up to good standards and that their pets would be absolutely fine. Note that running a successful pet care business essentially starts from the preparations that have been put in place- importantly before you declare your business opened.
What you should know about pet care business
Before venturing into general or specific pet care business, there are several things that you should know. Having a good grasp of the essentials, helps you successfully reach your goal as a profit-oriented business person. Several people dived into the pet care business with so much enthusiasm and too much of looking on the bright side, that they failed to see the obvious unideal situations that they should have also prepared for. Always know that just like every other business out there, pet care business also has its ups and downs for the owners. In fact, it may be more challenging for the startup- who has to deal with a lot more, than the established pet care brand that has successfully overcome it’s business’s peculiar, as well as generally acknowledged problems. You and your business would be more positioned to thrive well if you’re aware of the possible situations, and you’re well prepared to face them.
Now, when starting a pet care shop, you importantly have to build interest for the animals you’re going to be caring for. Note that at this point, you’re taking care of people’s cherished friends- which have somewhat become members of their families. Hence, any unnecessary mistakes on your part may lead to actions and consequences against your firm. You need to always ensure that the pets are treated well, and shown the respect that their owners want you to give. Truly, this may not come easy for some people, and you may feel tempted to ignore some of the ideal practices of the occupation. If there is no cultivated interest for the pets, then you’re likely not going to do well with caring for them. Note that usually, pet care jobs are not in the category of the easiest of jobs. Yes, those pet dogs and cats can also put up frustrating behaviours, and they may do this at a time when you’re quite tired out.
On another hand, however, there must be a well-laid balance that puts you into consideration, as well. Since it is likely that you’ll be starting your pet care business with only a few hands as labour, it means you’ll be having a lot on your desk. In situations like these, you and your staff may tend to push ourselves to limits- in a bid to ensure that you provide the best care. As much as this may reflect well on the pets’ health and behaviour, you also need to stay strong to be able to take care of the animals the next day, and the days after that. Thus, you must be conscious of the fact that you also need to take time off and refresh yourself. Since you’re in business, your activities should be guided by your terms and conditions of service- which should be agreed to by the pet owners.
In order for you to stay in business, you must consider your pet care activities to be that of a business- which it truly is. We’ve seen a lot of startup pet care business owners treat their businesses like it was a charity organization. When running your pet care shop, you have to be careful of falling for this tendency. Sometimes, pet care service providers tend to let the fact that they enjoy the company of the animal’s clouds the fact that they’re also doing some serious work at some other time. As a business person, you need to collect your due payments, and don’t behave in a way that suggests that the payments were just privileged favour. If you have to hire a cashier or accountant for the effectiveness of this, then it’s worth it. Or better still, always try to remember the bills you have to pay for disinfectants, pet snacks, etcetera. For some persons, this may prompt them to request for the right pay, unfailingly.
However, note that one encompassing trait that must characterize your service delivery, is that extra touch of excellence. This is what puts you ahead of other pet care businesses, and make you a preferred choice.
Important steps to take when starting your pet care business
When you’re ready to take the final actions at starting your pet care business, there are a number of proactive steps that you should take, before telling people you offer such a service.
The following are some five most basic steps to start a pet care business of your own:
- Decide on what pets you’ll be caring for
This is almost one of the very first steps you need to take when planning your pet care business. Although they’re generally called pet care businesses, it doesn’t mean that you must compulsorily care for everything pet. A lot of people think they can add up and care for every type of pet that comes to them, and in the end, they become ineffective at their job. It would do you some good to discard this type of thinking and focus on the pets that you’re more drawn to, or the ones you can more easily cope with. For instance, taking care of cats would not be easy for someone who detests them, so adding kittens to your workload would be calling some trouble for yourself. Actually, it is on this stage, that you first need to let your passion and interests guide you.
Know that you can still make a lot of profits from concentrating on one type of pet- if you’re able to show quality service delivery. Startup pet care businesses should importantly not be fooled to think that their ability to cater for all pet types, is what would necessarily bring them the profits. While this may be true, it is in fact not anything close to a guarantee.
- Get learned on all you need to know about the animals you’ll be caring for
It goes without saying, that you need to have a good knowledge of the general behaviours and tendencies of the animals you’ll be caring for. After deciding on the pets that you’ll be admiring into your pet home, the next thing is to go into the detailed study to find out all you need to know about those pets. You just must not even dabble into pet care business, without haven known what the pets want and don’t want, what to do when they begin to behave in a certain way, how to handle their wild-like behaviours, their feeding habits, etcetera. Putting yourself under this important education, helps you become a professional that eventually beats the competition. This is true, because a pet care expert who has all the required knowledge, tends to care better for the pets, than another who has very limited know-how.
Now, we understand that many people didn’t study pet behaviour or science in school, so you may want to ask. The good thing about pet care learning is that you can effectively gain the required knowledge from resources like training books and guides, practical videos, tutorials, by attending pet care sandwich courses etcetera.
- Get proper insurance and licensing for yourself and business
Don’t think you can ideally take care of people’s pets, without obtaining a recognized license to do so. Although there are no strict laws mandating that pet care business operators get a license before practice, getting one put you on a professional pedestal, and hence makes people less likely to take your business for a leisure time activity. In order to get a certification, pet care practitioners may essentially be made to undergo some weeks of training, after which they’re deemed qualified (or not), and offered certificates accordingly. If you can get a certification, you can in fact demand more on your service fees- since you’re termed a professional relative to other pet care businesses without a practising license. You may find the authority in charge of such licenses in your area and ask for the procedures.
Additionally, finding good insurance for your pet care business is essential, and must not be overlooked. Sometimes, unexpected events may occur to the pets in your care, and you may consequently incur costs. With liability insurance in place, major cost implications are taken off you, and your business can continue. Depending on the insurance package you’re adopting, some liability insurance claims may also cover for such expenses as lawsuit settlements.
- Design and build a viable business framework
Truly, you’re into pet care business because you love pets, and like to have them around. However, what makes this instance different, is the fact that you’ve come into business- and you must always stay true to that also. As you plan to start off with your own pet care business, it is important that you carefully design a business structure that your establishment should follow. Include different sections for the business like consultancy section, pet maternity, pet daycare, accounting section, stocks and feeds, etcetera. Doing this, awakens a real sense of purpose in you, and makes the operation and running of the business more effective and growth inclined.
While making the plans on the running of the firm, you must also be determined to uphold good business principles, that would complement your other efforts. For instance, draw out a cost calculator for your business, and see to it that you’re not running into losses. You may also structure out a defined payment plan so that you’ll be receiving corresponding wages for the efforts put in. In arriving at holistic pricing, you may compare service fees received by other pet care businesses, as a guide for what you should charge. Note that you necessarily don’t need to fix same price tags with other service providers, since you may offer more value-added services that they do.
- Buy as many supplies as you can
There are different needs and operation requirements for different pet care businesses. These needs would, however, depend on the adopted running model of each pet care enterprise. However, irrespective of what running model you’re adopting, there’ll always be a need for supplies and more supplies. Think of everything you’ll be needed for effective, top-notch service delivery, and begin to stock them up, in view of your operation kick-off.
Usually, a pet care business’s access to supplies goes a long way in determining what quality of service it would be providing. This is because you’ll only be operating based on the resources you have available. Some of the very important supplies you cannot but buy, are the pet foods, restraining leashes, medicals and drug supplies, etcetera. As a way of ensuring that there were adequate supplies on operation kick-off and for a long time, some pet care businesses had started buying and saving up supplies, several months before they opened to the public.
When you’re able to do this, you’ll not have to rely on direct use of business profits, for supply procurement. Hence, you may use profits for such things as business expansion, pending the time when you’ll need to restock.
Fundamentally, what you need for a successful pet care business, is some sufficient level of proactiveness and determination. You really would go a long way, if you’re able to plan well and implement every important stage to the best way possible. Additionally, if you find someone who is doing well in their own pet care business, you may get close and ask for their advice/mentorship.
Want to grow and scale your ‘Pet Care’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies & an Automated System which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!