pet marketing

An Ultimate Guide to do Pet Marketing like a Pro

The pet industry is becoming bigger with every passing year and pet marketing also getting challenging for Petpreneurs. Statistically between the years 2015 to 2018, the industry is said to have quadrupled regarding sales and revenue generated. As the industry begins to thrive, it is no surprise that a new set of entrepreneurs are venturing into the pet business.

Albeit, there are rooms enough for everyone to compete on Pet marketing, as experts have predicted a further growth in the industry in the nearest future. Yet, every serious entrepreneur in the industry must understand that to get the best deal out of industry (no matter how big), there is the need to fashion out the basic designs that would distinguish your firm from the rest. A successful firm must be able to consistently make sustainable sales numbers that would ultimately drive up its revenues, and the simplest way to achieving this is by getting the marketing functions of the organization right. If you are a new entrepreneur venturing into the pet industry or an existing one who wishes to market your brand as a pro, this is the article for you. In this article, we would look at what you can do as a pet business to market your brand successfully and stay ahead of the competition. Interested in learning? These are what you must do.

Want to grow and scale your Pet Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies & an Automated System which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!

Start by Creating a Clear Pet Marketing Plan

The first step to marketing your pet business right is by designing a sustainable marketing plan that makes clear provisions for how you wish to go about carrying out the marketing functions of your organization. In creating your marketing plan, you must:

  • Know Your Customer: To design the perfect marketing plan, it is very important that you know your customer or target audience. You should know basic things about the audience you intend to market to. Things like where they live, what kind of pets they prefer, what is their opinion about the current pricing they are being offered, etc. Knowing all of these would help you in creating the perfect marketing plan that would enhance your pet brand.
  • Know Your Competitors: You must also know your competitors in the area where you are operating to design the perfect pet marketing plan. You should be interested about what they are currently offering and what the consumers feel about them. Knowing the weaknesses and strengths of your competitors would help you in designing the perfect marketing plans that leverages on their strengths and improves on their weaknesses, and this would be a winning formula to lure the consumers anytime.
  • Price Right: In marketing products and services in any industry, pricing right is one of the most important aspects that must be gotten right. Failure to get the pricing right is always the beginning of the end for any brand. To design your marketing plan, you must a great deal of attention to getting the price right. This can be done by looking for clues from the reigning market price being offered by your competitors. Also, you could do a quick survey of the consumers and ask for their opinions about pricing. You should try and find out if they think they are getting the right price from your competitors or not. Whatever you do, you must know pricing is very sensitive and determining the price that would suit the consumers and still keep you in business and allow you make a profit is essential.
    Doing all of these would allow you to create a clear pet marketing plan that would give you a head start to achieve success in the pet industry.

Build an Engaging Website

After creating your pet marketing plan, it is essential that you build an engaging website. We are in the digital age, and any business without a website would lose out on a lot of prospective customers. While it is essential to have a website, you must also know that any kind of website is no longer sufficient in this age. It is important that you build a website that is engaging and easy for your audience to use. We are in a world where people make buying decisions in seconds. The way your website looks and how engaging it is has a lot more to do in persuading a prospective client to patronize you than you might think. For instance, consumers are likely going to find it easier buying on a site that makes provisions for instant orders as against another that fails to include such feature. Humans are generally attracted to things that make it easy for them to get things done. Hence, it is advisable to build a website that has a lot of features that the visitors on the site would find interesting and engaging while also highlighting your pets on them.

Get on the Email Marketing Bandwagon

Email marketing has proven to be very effective in recent times. To grow your pet business, you should try and make use of email marketing too. You can buy the email contacts of prospective clients around you and send emails to them from time to time. Make sure the mails you are sending are short, catchy and straight to the point. You can add short stories as it relates to pets and why it is important to have one to the mails sometimes when sending. If you keep up with this consistently, you would be surprised at how great it could turn out to be. You should ensure you leave your contacts and your website address on the mails so that it would be easy for them to take actions should they wish to.

Attend Pet Industry Exhibitions

Attending the various forms of exhibitions organized within the industry is a very good way of marketing your pet business. These exhibitions are always attended by a lot of individuals within and outside the industry. Existing and prospective customers are likely going to be in attendance too. You should take up this opportunity to present your brand in a great way to your current customers and impress the prospective customers as there would be a lot of them in attendance at such events. This could also serve as a way of networking with others brands to form a partnership that would enhance your business. At all times, you should attend these exhibitions with your best pets and make them very visible for all to see as you never can tell who is watching.

Connect with Your Audience on the Social Networking Sites

The social networking sites are a great place to market your brands. Networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the likes would give you an opportunity to reach billions of people without breaking the bank. This is why it is very important to have a presence on these platforms. You should employ a social media manager to help you create engaging social network sites from where you can connect and engage with your audience. Once you have created these platforms, everything about your pet business should be shared on them. It is advisable to post pictures and videos of your pets at intervals. These pictures and videos could be accompanied with hashtags and captions to make them go viral among social media users. Once the pictures and videos are going viral along the hashtags, it would trace back to your brand, enhance your popularity and bring in more customers.

Explore Industry Magazines and Tabloids

Every industry has magazines and tabloids that are released at different times to the public and industry enthusiasts. These magazines and tabloids are available in the pet industry too, and they can be used to market your brand. The magazines can reach millions of people and placing advertisement on them about your brands would only help in enhancing the popularity of your brand. For a token, you can afford to reach millions of people many of whom could potentially become your customers.

Start Blogging

Another way of marketing your pet business is by starting a blog. Your blog posts could be released daily or weekly, and it should pay a lot of attention to the pet industry and what is currently happening in it. Enthusiasts and prospective customers would most definitely pay attention to your blog if it is well researched and fun to read. In these blog posts, you could as well drop hints about your brand and what you offer. If you can do this well, you could gain the attention of a lot of people, and this would have a direct positive impact on your brand. To blog right, you could outsource the function to someone who would have enough time to do a lot of research and come up with interesting facts and analysis about the industry that would make people come back for more.

Create Newsletters

It is great to be immersed in searching for new customers for your pet business, but you shouldn’t make the mistake of forgetting the existing customers too as they are important and needs to be retained. Apart from retaining them, you must also realize that the existing customers could help a great deal in attracting new customers if you treat them well and make them feel wanted. One of the best ways to do this is by creating newsletters to relate with them. Your newsletters could be done quarterly or monthly depending on how you prefer it. In these letters, you should remember to thank them for their continued patronage of your brand and how you are counting on their continued support going forward. Then, you should provide them with information as it relates to your brand and asking for their opinions on what could be done to serve them better. You could also take the opportunity to answer any questions they might have had in the past and announcing promos and incentives you might have for them. This would make them feel wanted and prompt them to say great things about your pet business to other people who would ultimately become your customers.

Create Your Events

One of the ways your pet business could easily be noticed is to create in house events. These are designed to promote your brand and showcase your pets to the audience. Such events could be made open to the public, and free drinks could even be offered to the audience. What this would do is present your business to a lot of people who might not have heard about it before. You should not waste the opportunity to showcase your pets at such events. While no one can guarantee how successful such events would turn out to be, what is certain is, at the end of proceedings, your pet business would have been showcased to a lot of people and some of those people at the event or someone around them would end up being a part of your customer base.

Engage the Services of Social Media Influencers

When it comes to marketing of your brands in this age, one of the surest ways to go is by engaging social media influencers. These set of people usually have a large following on the various social media platforms. Their followers always seem to trust and believe in whatever they recommend most times because of their perceived level of knowledge. Before engaging any influencer, make sure that such an individual has a large following on social media and that he/she is known and respected in the pet industry as an authority. By engaging one or some of these influencers to advertise your pet brand to their followers, you can be sure that your pet brand would be reaching millions of people for just a token. If the antecedents of these social media influencers is anything to go by, you would be getting a lot of sales orders soon as a result of their input.

There you have it. By simply following the marketing tips given above, you would be able to significantly attract a lot of customers to your pet business within a short period of time and significantly increase your revenue.

Want to grow and scale your Pet Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies & an Automated System which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!

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