Pet Sitting Business Names – Best Actionable Tips To Get It Right
Running a pet sitting business offers up a lot of things. Not only is it a unique opportunity to turn your hobby into something lucrative, but it also means you have to be prepared for the not so fancy aspects of the business. While that’s true of most enterprises, the pet sitting business does set you up to care for lovely pets that form a great part of the families that entrust them to you. That’s why you need a good business name to set the ball rolling. The pets you decide to cater for, equipment necessary for the business and all other things incidental to it, take a backseat to the name you choose to call your pet sitting business. Also, you’ll need a name that goes will with advertising and marketing, as well as to serve as a pull customers can’t resist. This blog article will help you generate the kind of name to bring your pet business to the fore alongside factors to consider before choosing a name. In all, you won’t be at a loss for the right pet sitting business names.
Getting Your Pet Sitting Business Started
If you’re the kind of person that loves to use their homes for a pet sitting business or have that as an only option, you might want to consider the scale of the business, kind of animals and the core values you’ll build upon. Here’s how you can get going…
Get a hold of the right business permits to get things going. Without them, there’s no pet sitting business. Further, requirements often differ from state to state, as with most laws, but one thing is certain – you have to register your business at your location, then with the county or city. That way, you get the license you need. Apart from getting recognition from the authorities for taxes and other purposes, potential customers know you’re ready for business.
Want to grow and scale your ‘Pet Sitting’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies & an Automated System which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!
Seek out a building to rent for the business or create one. Most people already have a location before setting out or make use of the extra space their accommodation provides. Either way, you need a place that’s ideal for pets. For all the pet sitting business names you think of, keep in mind that the number of pets you attend to, determines how well your business grows, so in spite of the obvious addition to your expenses, getting a good spot is a must. Try a place near a park, commercially known or has a good population of pets.
Now that you’ve set up your location and have a license in tow, you’ll have to get the word out. That’s no mean feat but like all new start-ups, your attempt to get people won over must be vigorous. Again, a great customer base isn’t going to pop-up overnight. You’ll need to advertise using different mediums including social media with platforms like Instagram and Facebook, placing ads in magazines, papers, and Craigslist. Leaving flyers in parks where people frequently visit with their pets, veterinary offices, and pet adoption services help spread the word.
Tips To Get Your Pet Sitting Business Names Right
There are a lot of pet sitting business names suggestions you’ll come across but if you want to make your way, let these tips guide you.
Take All The Time You Need
You have all the time in the world to come up with a befitting name. Consequently, you’re better off pondering on several names you want to adopt as your business name, than just rolling one off your mind for the sake of it, or feeling pressured to present one. That shouldn’t be the case because you’d want a name you can stick with after you’ve made a choice. Further, it has to be the right fit for your business on at least 80% of the aspects you hope to cover. A name that has nothing to do with the services you provide is often the product of a hasty decision.
Test The Business Name
With the number of pet sitting business names out there, you’ll notice that some of them have odd names that may not have been given enough thought. Apart from the time you take out to come up with a suitable name, you’ll want to receive feelers on the name you want. Further, it shows you’re not in a rush because you trust the entire process and want to get it right. If you’ve come up with a name you imagine is cool, share it with others to find out what they think about it. Your colleagues, friends, neighbors with pets and just about anyone who would listen to you. Through their opinions and expressions, you’ll know whether to keep or ditch the business name. A good response to your suggested business name is an indication you should keep it.
What Type Of Pet You Want To Focus On
You’d be amazed at the sheer number of different pets out there covering a wide range of the animal kingdom. Dogs and cats are common but don’t rule out other animals including piglets, mice and freshwater fish. The type of pet you want to work with is an important thing to consider because you don’t want to end up being a jack of all trades and a master of none. To that end, if cats are your specialty, focus on cats alone.
Let the name you choose to read something like ‘Cute Cat’s Whiskers’ or something more attractive. On the flip side, should you want to offer services for dogs only, focus on dogs only and go with a name that suits them such as ‘Exclusive Dog Paws.’ Also, rhymes for the name provides a catchy feel, so don’t rule out using this concept.
Keep The Name Sweet And Simple
Many beautiful things in life are simple and straightforward. Pet sitting business names shouldn’t be any different. That’s why you should pick something easy or simple that can be remembered straight off the bat. Furthermore, one thing you wouldn’t appreciate is a name that’s hard to pronounce and doesn’t represent what you or your business stands for.
Keeping your pet sitting business name sweet and simple, does a world of good, not least because it helps your business gets noticed immediately, with the name readable. Since you’d want to call people and tell them about your business or place ads on certain platforms, think of something that has catchy, fun, care and creative all rolled into one. For instance ‘QuickPetCare Inc.’ sounds good to go.
Don’t Copy From The Competition
Imitation isn’t all that bad, but when it comes to pet sitting business names, you might want to go all out with originality rather than copy your competitors. If that proves too hard, putting a spin on things will serve you well. Also, in most situations involving business names, your request to pick a name already taken would be denied especially if it’s already taken by a household name in the pet sitting industry. That’s why you need to select a name unique to the ethos and values you want to portray; that helps you stand out, and that does not create confusion between your business and another. Again, don’t overdo it with names because you don’t want to copy, neither should you adopt elements used by your competitors including logos and symbols.
Where You Provide The Services
You have to be specific with where your business operates. Take a cue from the initial part of this article about the location you choose for your business. Further, whatever pick you to make out of the pet sitting business names available, ensure it’s in line with the location you’ll be working from. Whether that’s at home, a mobile service or a place you rented, do well to reference it in your business name. Again, moving to a larger location after a while, not only signifies growth, but also the need to keep your customers informed of any potential changes to the location.
The Benefits Your Customers Will Derive
In line with the values, you want to convey, build your business name and brand around what you want your customers to benefit. Think about what they want, how they want their pets to be treated. A name starts off a business but also represents it in the long-term. In line with that, a name that is reliable, safe and helps pets and their owners enjoy their time, is vital to your success.
As you pick an exciting name, ensure it represents the tone you want for your pet sitting business and have it incorporated into the name you choose. A good idea will be striking a balance between professional and personal. Qualities such as ‘safe’, ‘natural’, ‘homey’ or something family-like, seem understated but convince your customers of your ability to look after their pets. Further, you could take it up a notch by rendering services peculiar to your neighborhood, especially when there’s no service like the one you want to provide. It all boils down to a name customers are willing to entrust their pets to.
Availability Of Business And Domain Name
Most businesses barely survive without an online presence. But before that, you’ll have to make certain the business name you want to go with is available. Check with the necessary office or authority to find out if your name is available or has been in use by another person. That way, you won’t be infringing on a person’s right since they got the name before you. More so, trademark infringement could cost you more than you can imagine especially with legal fees. Once the name you pick is available, waste no time in registering it with the appropriate agencies or offices responsible for that.
A domain name has similar procedures as you’d have to check that it’s available for a website. If you’re going to take your business online, this step is something you can’t afford to take lightly. It all adds up when you consider advertising and putting your business out there. Again, if you’re lucky to have a business and domain name available, every part of your business will be in perfect sync including your website, email address and businesscard.
Select A Name And Stick To It
Having considered the aforementioned tips and hopefully scaled through various steps, it’s time to go with the name you’ve arrived at despite the number of pet sitting business names available. One thing you should do is stick to the name, not because it’s difficult to change at a later date but because of the harm, it could have on the brand you want to create. Potential problems that may arise makes it even more important to deliberately plan ahead, taking a good time to get that business name.
Set Up A Logo
A logo is important for your business. It showcases the kind of brand you have and reflects your style and identify. Not everyone is an artist and you’re allowed some mistakes when trying to come up with an image that conveys what you want customers to identify you with. It’s one way to ignite instant communication with your customers when their eyes come upon it.
Come up with some rough sketches and hand them to an expert graphic designer to bring out the beauty of your sketches. You could also try out websites that deal with ideas fit the ideal logos.
In conclusion, a name is worth all the hype so it’s best you invest all your time and resources to get a great one. Pet sitting business names usually take a lot of work, at least creatively so pull all the stops to get it right. This blog article will point you in the right direction to pick the business name that sets you apart. Be professional and personable in your dealings with customers and their pets. Also, strive to maintain the values your pet sitting business name is built on.
Want to grow and scale your ‘Pet Sitting’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies & an Automated System which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!