Pet store marketing

10 best tips for pet store marketing

The pet industry in America is growing at a geometric rate. As at the end of 2017, the pet industry has already quadrupled in terms of value to what was obtainable in 2013 which has made pet store marketing a mainstay. Aside from these statistics, further studies have shown that the prospects for growth in the industry are very high.

Studies have revealed that the industry is expected to rake in an unprecedented revenue figure of around $73b by the end of this year. As a result of these developments, new pet stores are coming up and the industry is becoming saturated. To be relevant in this industry, it is important to pay a lot of attention to marketing. For pet store owners who are looking for ways to successfully market their brand, we have come up with some amazing tips for their pet store marketing. These tips have worked wonders for firms in the pet industry and other industries for that matter, so you would do well to pay great attention to them.

Want to grow and scale your ‘Pet Store’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies & an Automated System which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!

Guidelines for right Pet Store Marketing

Engage the Power of Instagram

Instagram is without doubt the most popular and effective social media platform for pet store marketing presently. The platform which is used to share pictures and videos has been extensively used by many brands to market and reposition itself in their industry. As a matter of fact, any brand who understands the power that instagram wields and use it appropriately would always stay ahead of the pack. Instagram currently has over 4 billion active users and it is a hub which has been responsible for the success of many startups. What you need to do for your pet store marketing through instagram is to create an account on this platform. Once you have an account, start sharing videos of your brand there. Make sure the videos you share are of great qualities, not too long, and mostly fun. You should also ensure to send regularly and add hashtags to your videos. Before you know it, you would have created a community on the site. If your videos are impressive and fun, they would be watched and shared by millions on a daily basis. With this, you would greatly enhance the popularity of your brand on the site, and the effects would lead to a lot of sales orders in a short time.


Blogging is another effective way to do your pet store marketing. All you need do is start a blog page and update it with information regarding the pet industry from time to time. For your blogging to be effective, it would be advisable to look for someone who can help you handle this aspect of your business. Such a person should be knowledgeable and have access to information about the pet industry. If your blogging is great and you are very consistent with it, you would have a lot of followers. As a matter of fact, a lot of people would be relying on you for information as it regards the pet industry. You would be viewed as an authority in the industry and a lot of people would look forward to read your posts. Once you have achieved this credibility, it would be easy to link your pet store to the blog and advertise your pets there. People would also be happy to patronize you as they would have viewed you as an authority in the industry and believe they can’t go wrong doing business with you.

Explore the Use of Twitter

Twitter is another social media platform you can use for your pet store marketing. Twitter is also very popular, and the interesting fact about twitter is, its users are very addictive to it. You should also look towards connecting and advertising your pet store to the large amount of people who makes use of twitter. The way to do this is quite easy. The first thing is to create a twitter account and start following people and brands on the site. Don’t forget to always tell them to follow you back too, as only your followers could see your posts. You can then start tweeting about your brand and pets on twitter. Twitter also permits the use of videos and pictures, so it would be advisable to add pictures and videos of your brand to your posts on twitter. You should also add hashtags to your posts as it allows them to trend (reach more people). Twitter doesn’t allow long posts, so you should learn to be articulate, lucid and straight to the point with your posts. If your posts are engaging, your followers would retweet them (a retweet can reach millions of people) and this would make your business reach millions of people daily, some of which would definitely patronize your pet store.

Facebook is Still Relevant

Facebook has been around for so long and it is still relevant till today. Instagram and twitter might be the toast of the moment, but the truth is, Facebook remains as relevant as it used to be and it probably still has more reach than both of the other social media platforms because of its simplicity. All you need to do is create a business page for your pet store on Facebook and invite people to like it. You can also do a little push and your post would normally reach millions of people daily. As your page grows on Facebook, ensure that you post videos and pictures of your pet store on the page. Tell people about your brand and why they should patronize you. With this simple effort, you would be surprised at the number of people you can reach on this platform. When creating your page on Facebook, endeavor to add your contacts so that people could easily reach you and make their orders. Also, ensure to always respond to the enquiries of your audience promptly as this is one of the things that would rank your business page highly on this platform.

Deploy the Magic of Email Marketing

Do we really need to say much about email marketing? Everyone knows how effective this mode of marketing has become and it is even touted to be the future of digital marketing. If you want to boost the sales of your pet store, then you shouldn’t think twice before jumping on the email marketing bandwagon. All you need do is, purchase the email contacts of people around you and start sending emails to them from time to time. Your email should not be too long. Let it be short, yet detailed. You must know that consistency is the key with email marketing. You can’t afford to get tired with this method. You could have sent 10 mails which haven’t been opened before and the 11th might just be the one to do the magic. When using email marketing, always ensure to leave your contacts and addresses in case a prospect wishes to patronize your brand. You could also include a call to action in your mails as this would make it easy for the prospects to patronize you before changing their mind. You could include something like, ‘to order now, click on the link below’. This would make it easier to accomplish sales anytime.

Organize Events

Effective marketing always involves a way of bringing your products and services to the consciousness of the prospective buyers. This can be done through organizing of pet events. Events naturally bring people together. To do your pet store marketing, why not organize an event where you would invite a lot of people from your community or locale. You could give a catchy tag that would promote your brand to the event. You could add side attractions that would draw people to the event as well as offering free drinks and the likes. When the event is ongoing, you would engage the audience with things that promote your business. If there are live song performances, it could come with a prelude that introduces your pets. Whatever, you do, make sure the event promotes your brand and bring your pets to the consciousness of the people in attendance. You could also end such events by telling them reasons to patronize your pet store. This would definitely help you in successfully marketing your pet store.

Advertise in Industry Magazines

Every industry has magazines that are released daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. If you are serious about marketing your pet store, you can pay a token for a space on such magazines. These magazines are usually bought by industry experts and folks who have interest in the industry and they have the tendency of reaching millions of homes. Advertising in magazines like this means you are giving your pet store the chance to reach millions of homes for just a token. Since these magazines are usually in prints, they could even be passed from hands to hands and the effect that could have is unquantifiable.

Use Business Cards

Some businesses have actually neglected business cards and see them as old and archaic. The truth is business cards are still very relevant. While there is the chance that some people would take it and probably throw it away immediately, others treasure it and would keep it until they need to contact you. The beautiful thing is they are not expensive to make. So, why not make them for your pet store marketing and let them do the little magic they can do for you.

Give Promotions and Offers

Another sure way to market your pet store is to give promotions and offers. All of us like getting some freebies and getting one would always attract us to a brand. To attract new customers, you can decide to give promotions and offers to old and new customers. It is important you include your old customers in the scheme of things because, the way you treat them sends a strong signal to the prospects out there. You can promise new customers a 10% off on every three pets they buy from you, while also promising the existing customers the chance to attend an exclusive end of the year party you would be organizing if they make two more purchases before the end of the year. This would actually serve as incentive to patronize you as they know they are paying below the original price which is probably not obtainable anywhere else. Marketing is strategy and you must be willing to make use of these strategies for your pet store marketing for effective results.

Attend Industry Exhibitions

There are a lot of pet industry exhibitions which has been organized in the industry for pet stores to showcase their pets. In order to advertise your pet store to new and old audiences, it is important that you attend these exhibitions. Ideally, these exhibitions are attended by people from far and wide, and most of the people in attendance are people who have interest in buying pets either now or later. Wasting such a precious opportunity to showcase your pets would be very bad. You should sign up for these events and take the opportunity to showcase your pets to everyone in attendance. Without a shadow of doubt, your participation in such events would bring your brand to the attention of some set of people who haven’t heard about it before and that is an appreciable progress in everyone’s book when it comes to marketing.

For any business to find its feet in any market, it is of utmost importance to pay a great deal of attention to its marketing function. This is also applicable to pet stores. The industry is big already and it is still showing great prospects for further growth in the near future. However, this is not enough to guarantee any brand a share of the market sales unless they dig in and work on how to use effective marketing tools to increase their sales figures. The good news is if you follow the ten tips given above as a pet store, you are well equipped to excel now and in the future.

Want to grow and scale your ‘Pet Store’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies & an Automated System which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!

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