dog grooming business

Tips to building a Successful Dog Grooming Business

The pet industry is booming; we can’t get enough of how exponential growth in this industry is. However, the pet grooming industry is roaring louder as pet grooming; pampering and care become the norm among millions of American and Britons who love to show off their four-legged pets in public and their new care routine.

The dog grooming business is one sector of the pet industry that has taken the world by storm, and with over 900 million dogs worldwide, some in rich and affluent homes, dogs are competing with humans when it comes to grooming.

If you are looking to start a dog grooming business, you can; but what are you planning to offer the dog community to make your dog grooming business stand out.

In this article, we will try to cover some must-have if you are going to have a successful dog grooming business that will stand the test of time.

The Numbers

As at February 2019, the global pet grooming industry is worth 2.1 billion US dollars in 2018 and predicted to reach an astonishing 3.6 billion US dollars by 2025 with an almost 7 percent increase between these dates. Current stats shows that there are over 8.9 million pet dogs in the United Kingdom and the pet care market in the UK is valued at about £4.4 billion

The market for pet grooming product, however, is growing at an alarming rate as more people seek newer and better grooming processes and products to care for their beloved pets. The pet product industry as of 2017 was worth 3.9 billion US dollars and predicted to hit over 5 billion US dollars by 2025 with a growth of almost 5 percent.

And as always, the US pet market is unrivaled, and with almost 100 million dogs in the US, you can bet that the US is the largest market for all things pet-owning 30 percent of the market.

Pet Grooming

Pet grooming business consists of everything that will cater to the overall look and care of the pet. The pet grooming industry is an almost 9 billion US dollars revenue industry that combines grooming and boarding of pets.

Products that are used in cleaning and improving the hygiene of the pets, or to enhance the physical appearance are all included in a pet grooming business. Conventional pet grooming business offers nail clipping, washing, drying the pet, flea treatment, trimming of fur, teeth cleaning, and coat conditioning.

Savvy entrepreneur venturing into the pet grooming business are now offering unique services like pet facials, pedicure, spa day/dates, massages, aromatherapy, and fashion accessories to make the pet finer after the whole process.

If you have a dog grooming business, below is some more information to make your dog grooming business a success.

To build a successful dog grooming business, you need a strong marketing strategy and a well-equipped grooming facility. 

The Grooming Facility

The grooming facility is the center of a dog grooming business; having one that meets the consumer needs, especially since a better part of the population of pet owners that are the millennial and Generation Z.

To get your grooming facility, you need to know the costs of setting up and how much the grooming equipment cost. It also requires that you know where you are starting your grooming business. However, you have to remember that, if you are planning to start the dog grooming business from home, unless you have space carved out as the salon, it will be an inconvenient mess that you want to avoid completely.

If your space won’t accommodate your passion for dog grooming in your home, try mobile dog grooming business. This allows you to take the business to the homes of the clients, instead of them coming to you. It is very convenient, and you can increase the cost of providing home services.

 A mobile dog business will set you back anything from $10,000 to $100, 000 depending on what services you are offering to consumers and the equipment needed to make the service as smooth as possible. 

A basic dog grooming business must have the following: a clipper, a shear, clipper blades and combs and brushes, shampoos, conditioners, a bathtub, and towels. To make the dog comfortable, a table is a great addition to the room. This puts you at the eye level with the dog and creates a relaxing atmosphere between you two.

Equipment for a Standard Dog Grooming Salon

For Petprenuers buoyant enough to have a good space for their dog grooming business, you have to pay attention to the following to be successful at the business.

Make you Store Pet-Friendly and Appealing to Humans

Just because they are dogs, doesn’t mean space should be shabby looking, even if your services are the best, a pet parent won’t bring their pet for grooming if your space is not appealing and welcoming.

Furthermore, it should be pet functional, cozy, and well-designed to relax the dog as it walks into your salon, don’t forget to reward them with a treat for every good deed and behavior.

Get a Welcoming Front Reception

Customer service skills are important in a dog grooming business (for both the dog and their owners). While the dog is the customer, you have to have a confident and well-spoken persona to communicate productively with the dog’s owner to know which services the dog needs. 

Your customer skills should also include appreciating the pet parent for bringing their pets into your salon and building an atmosphere of trust to calm the owner about their pets.

In facts, as part of a good customer service skill, greet the owner and come down to the pet level and welcome them, by name too. 

Pet grooming equipment take the bulk of a dog grooming business cost, and aside from the basic clipper, blades, shear, and brushes listed above, a salon should have the following if you are aiming for success.

A Grooming Table – one with a lift or that is adjustable will allow you to be at eye level when working with the pets. It is also better than having to work from the floor as it allows you to reach all corners during a grooming session.

A bath Tub – for safety purposes, make provision for two baths that will cater for small dogs and large dogs respectively. Furthermore, the tubs should be immobile with good water supply, and movable shower handles to make bath time fun.

A Drying Area – most groomers use a table while some have disposal towels used as a normal human would. Although both are a great idea, they are time-consuming. If you have the finances, get a pet dryer, it will save time, improve customer service and dogs love it.

Dog Cages – if your salon is busy, you need these to keep the dogs until it’s their time. Dog cages are also an easier way to handle over active pups.

An important equipment is the nooses to hold the dog in place during grooming, especially trimming and clipping sessions. They are painless and comes on and off with a snap.

A clipper, trimmer, shaving tools, washing machines for washing used towels and blankets and grooming products. With all dog grooming equipment ready, it is time to make some money; but wait how do you attract the customers into your salon? You need a good marketing strategy.

Marketing your Dog Grooming Business to attract Customers

For a dog groomer, marketing is necessary for you to maintain a level of success in the business. Unlike other businesses, the pet groomer business is one that anyone with a passion for animals can offer. 

So as critical as seeking customers is significant, retaining them is also crucial to succeeding in a dog grooming business.

Here are some tips to ensure you are always busy at your salon.

Define your Brand

The number of dog grooming businesses all over the country is overwhelming, and with more than one store ready to serve the customer, defining your brand will take you ahead of the rest.

In defining your brand, think what you can offer you to your four-legged clients that are not offered in another grooming outlet. For example, if you are great at creating beautiful designs with their fur, giving them a look that no one is doing, or if you have special treatment for dogs with bad teeth to restore them to pearly whites, this will set you apart in the industry.

Remember that your business name, logo, and slogan are part of your brand; it should be memorable for clients. Finally, this may sound funny, don’t be in competition with the others, but focus on creating a name with your strengths and soon you will be the competition and name to beat.

Network with other Pet Business in your Area

Pet shop, training school, vet, and animal facilities that need a groomer are your allies in building a successful dog grooming business. Connect with them to assist you in putting in a good word for your business with clients or join the dog community of your business locality to advertise your business.

Being part of this circle improves your relationship and easily builds your customer base without any hassle.

Create a referral Program

Like any business in the world today, referrals are the backbone of their success. Your dog grooming business can leverage on a referral program that will give certain incentives to clients who refer other clients to your business. Referral programs are like the age-old word-of-mouth advertising methods. It works great and will benefit your dog grooming business.

Send Doggy Reminder

Whether it is an email, a voice note or software reminder, even the most pet-loving client sometimes forget significant dates like vaccine days, check updates, and even their grooming times. Getting a reminder tells the client how much you care for their dog and will go a long way in retaining those clients and having new ones seek out your business.

Get a Website set for your Dog Grooming Business

We are always looking for the next best service close to us. Nobody wants to go far away for a service that is near them, but if this service is not on the internet; then you will be losing customers that can impact your business. 

Create a website and then register a Google My Business web page to allow people in your vicinity know about your business over the web.

Get Social Networks Buzzing?

Last time we checked, there are over 3 billion people on social networking sites and with almost 300 million in the United States. Do you know how many clients you are losing by not using social networks?

Create a Facebook business page which will allow clients to find you easily over this network. Furthermore, it helps you build a community of followers that can be updated about the latest happenings in the salon. Introducing gift cards, discounts, and client’s testimonials, or video will also boost your visibility. You will have people in other localities sharing your posts and increasing your client base.

Instagram is a different type of networking platform but also reliable. Using Instagram, you can post visually appealing pictures of your dog grooming business for potential clients to see, or post videos of a dog grooming process which is a top seller for clients looking to know more about your skills.

You can also use Twitter too. Twitter allows you to post quick notifications, reply clients, and update them with the latest happening in your business. No matter what marketing strategy you choose, never abandon the use of social media in propagating your business.

What are the key skills required to make a successful Dog Grooming Business?

While education is secondary to a dog grooming business, you must have a passion for dogs and have a hands-on experience working with dogs before running a dog grooming business.

Since most dog groomers work alone, the following skills will set you apart.

  • Ability to understand the animal’s body language and how to pacify them (as some dogs can become aggressive in the absence of their owners)
  • A passion and love for the animal under your care
  • Outstanding business sense and work ethics
  • An in-depth knowledge of the pet and symptoms they are prone to
  • Persistence, patience, and perseverance when working with animals
  • Excellent communication skills

Finally, the most crucial aspect of building a successful dog grooming business is keeping your client happy. A well-groomed dog equals a happy and regular customer. For new businesses, you can appreciate all first-time clients with a free service like offering them free first doggy shampoo or a free gift after the grooming process is over.

Overall, a dog grooming business is a viable and profitable business if you have the right equipment and a killer marketing strategy to complete other factors, you are in business.

Pet business marketing

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