Aquarium Business

An Ultimate Guide for Starting an Aquarium Business from Scratch

Starting an aquarium business requires lots of planning and some serious thinking about which direction to take in the business. The aquarium business is one that anyone can start from home, but it is not enough to just put a couple of tanks, some buckets, an algae cleaner, and start making money.

So if aquaculture and aquariums are your hobbies for a career, then you need to read this right now.

And yes, even though starting in the aquarium business is a huge learning process, it is a profitable business with a bright future in the pet industry.

The Aquarium Business Market

Although having fish as pets is a long time past hobby, the aquarium industry is a silent booming industry that most people generally overlook. 

Do you know that there are over 7.2 million fish tanks in homes across America, most of them housing two or more fishes? In fact, while most people have their eyes set on the evolution of dogs and their relationship with humans, these smaller, easy to care for pets have warmed their way into many homes, especially homes with kids.

Such as beautiful fish story! However, the fish industry is huge, and with different sectors, you can literary pitch your tent and make good money……

Ah! Ah! Don’t jump right into it; you need a plan and other stuff too.

Aquarium Business

The chart above shows the number of freshwater pet fish since 2000. 

Pet fish are the third-largest pet population in the US, and globally, most people into fish pet keeping do it for a variety of reasons. With that said, the global fish pet industry was worth one billion US dollars in 2016, this includes sales of live pets, food, decorative accessories, and tanks.

Want to grow and scale your ‘Aquarium’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!

Although the market has been a fluctuating one, steady growth of 1.5 percent is expected 2016 – 2021 and a major reason is more girls want a fish as a pet than other small pets with saltwater types been a favorite.

The US Fish and Aquarium market provides a host of opportunities for anyone looking to get into his business as they are many businesses that use pet fish for different purpose aside regular homes.

So if you are thinking of where to pitch your tent in the pet industry, you might try starting a fish business that caters to kids – including but not limited to educating them, providing freshwater and saltwater fish, ornaments and fish decors that suits their interior décor.

One the global scene, the market for ornamental fish takes the highest spot with the market experiencing steady up growth. Japan and North America (US) are leaders in this market, while countries like India and China are trailing behind and on the rise.

Aquarium Business

Types of Business in the Aquarium Industry

If you love fish and aquarium management, then this business is for you but remember that this business is hard. It requires lots of time, dedication, and plenty of learning.

However, before you start running around looking for a shop, the business has different sectors that potential investors can comfortably investment in and make good profits.

The Private Aquarium Business

Pet fish have warmed their way into the homes and offices of many people in the world, one reason why this trending in this setting is the calming nature of fishes. Fishes are placed at strategic points in the building to evoke the feeling of positivity in the environment.

So if you are good at creating and designing beautiful tanks that will fit into such an environment, then this one area of the industry you can really take control of. Besides, everyone that wants a school of fish for pets in their home or office needs a tank.

So establishing a plan that will allow you to demonstrate your artistic and engineering skills but also the ability to fix problematic aquariums could be a choice aquarium business.

You can also learn about aeration systems, filtration systems, and the best tanks to fit which fish or the environment.

Custom Aquarium Tank Business

Custom aquarium tanks design and installation are believed it or not, the highest paying sector in the aquarium industry. In fact, the market is so viable that a single well-designed tank and the installation can fetch you thousands of dollars which is a huge profit from what you spent to build the tank.

Most fish tanks have moved past the regular square shape or rectangle shape to more engineering marvels of unbelievable shape as decided by the clients. Now aquariums can be seen in circles, triangles, oval or even a mix of shapes and contour making them unbelievable attraction points in homes and offices

Aquarium equipment and accessories suppliers

For anyone venturing into the aquarium business, you can run a profitable aquarium business with the right equipment. Starting an aquarium business is affordable, but the equipment is an investment that takes the bulk of your investment and the best part, it is a one-time thing that just needs regular maintenance to keep them in good shape at all times.

Accessories sales include decorative items for aquariums, fish toys, lights and other items that make an aquarium pop when it is finished.

Live Aquarium Pet Fish Sale

Broad knowledge of the types of fish, their habitat, and how to care for them is a plus to be successful in this sector of the business.

Steps to Starting an Aquarium Business

Is this business for you?

That is a question that every potential business owner will have to answer in the affirmative before jumping into one.

Don’t go into an aquarium business because you had a goldfish as a kid or a friend is doing a successful job keeping theirs together.

However, when starting an aquarium business, be driven by a passion for animals or your love for the aquatic landscape, whichever one it is, ensure that you are willing to thread (or swim) the long route to success.

Starting an aquarium store also allows you to associated with other successful aquarium businesses and learn the trick of the trade. While you are still putting up a plan for the business, get more knowledge if you are not an aquaculturist, gain more insight from a mentor or a currently running and successful aquarium business.

Who is the aquarium business targeted at?

Literary all pet lovers but mainly young families with young children, fish lovers who love to have an aquarium in their homes, people who want a low budget pet, corporate businesses who want to decorate their interior with an aquarium or fish lovers. 

Another target is clients with fish tanks looking for someone to clean the tank, check the filtration systems and the overall well being of the tank.

Study the Market

When you have truly decided on starting an aquarium business, study the market, do in-depth market research on the why who, how, and when of the business.

While the internet and books will provide all the answers you need, have someone already in the business to gain the first-hand experience.

You can choose to serve as an intern at an aquarium business before starting your own; this will provide you with the skills to successfully manage your aquarium.

Buying an existing Business versus Starting from Scratch

Startups are good, they are a show of your intelligence and drive to create something truly unique on your own, but sometimes it might not be the best decision.

If you are financially capable, buying an existing aquarium business cuts your planning time in half, especially in areas like location, choosing a name, equipment, and advertising. 

Furthermore, it allows you to put your spin on improving the spot and make it yours.

 To avoid missing anything, get a good acquisition lawyer to ensure all the paperwork is followed meticulously before paying for the business.

Remember, there is usually less risk in buying an existing aquarium, so think well and wisely.

Choosing a Location

Opening an aquarium shop is one of the most lucrative sections of this industry, hence choosing the perfect location is the key to success. 

Furthermore, except you have a booming marketing or long list of clients in a rural area, then urban and suburban regions are the best place to start an aquarium business.

Once you have identified the location, check for a shop space with enough room, drainage system and water too. Aquariums use lots of electricity, ensure you have the electricity bill updated and be ready to pay some more.

Depending on what you hope to do in your aquarium business, ensure there is space for every section. For example, if you plan to sell live ornamental fishes, you should have enough space for the variety you are intending to start with, and the atmosphere should be favorable for their growth and upkeep.

Viewing the Competition

Chances are you already have a competition in your chosen location while we don’t encourage you to go spying, knowing how big and good your competition is can help you channel your business idea into something that can make money for you.

Also, analyze how tough they are, and if you can survive in the chosen location else it is always a better idea to seek another location where you can build up your idea, and services without thinking about failure.

How far are you willing to go?

Having a running aquarium business is a two-service business – your service people that come into the store for fish and other aquarium accessories and aquarium owners call in for issues about their aquariums in their homes.

So when you are thinking of services to provide to the customers at your location, include in exact terms what outside services you are willing to take on and how far you are willing to travel for an aquarium tank check.

Step 1 – The legalities

Moving ahead, now you have to look at the main stuff that will bring the business to reality.

How much do you have (how much are you investing in the aquarium business)

Whether you are starting in your home or from a shop, an aquarium business cost $10,000 – $50,000. A regular aquarium tank costs $100 or more, while a 200-gallon tanks cost about $4,500, so you do the maths based on what equipments you will need and go from there.

Choosing a name for the business

The right name will attract the right clients and more. However, after picking a name of choice, check with the local business registration office that the name has not been taken by another aquarium business.

Register the business

Get the name registered and start thinking of making your business an entity if you are in for the long term. 

Don’t forget to register the aquarium business for taxes as required by the law in the state where you are located. It is a must before you can be opened for business.

Get the necessary documentations

These include permits, licenses, and all legal paperwork that permits you to run your business without any problem from the law.

Business Insurance

Depending on the business type, decide on the right insurance business to have. Check with business insurance personnel and choose the insurance suited for the business.

Step 2 – What are you expecting from the business

In this section, 

  • You have to determine what you want from the business, long-term and short-term goals
  • When are you expecting to break even? 
  • How do you intend to cost the service? 
  • How much are your charges
  • Saving money
  • Staff payment (if any) and ensuring that all the bill are addressed on time.
  • Open a business account 

This will allow you to register all monies coming or going out of the business. It also allows you to understand the financial strength and performance of the business.

It also helps you with our taxes and expanding the business in the future.

Step 3 – Defining your brand and Selling your Business to the world

Although fishes aren’t something you can deliver online to your customers, having a strong online presence is essential for getting information about your business to the right audience and strengthening the brand.

Register your business with Google My Business so that it can be listed locally for people in your location to see it

Spread the word about your services – print flyers, business card, post adverts at sports events, local businesses to get the word out.

Step 4 – Launch the Aquarium Business

There is no magic wand to make any business success without hard work and determination, so on launch day offer your customer a deal like a bargain on fish food, get a free one-time tank clean up after purchasing a tank and fish from your business.

Create an open atmosphere that will allow people to see what you can offer and be ready to educate and answer questions.

Finally, you are in business, it took a long time to get here but you are good to go. When your aquarium business is managed properly, your pet fish store should rate in an expected profit of $100,000 and above from sales, services provides annually with a good client base.

It is the after service provision that makes an aquarium business a successful one, make your mark today, the pet industry is waiting for you.

Want to grow and scale your ‘Aquarium’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies which can bring a lot of Pet owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!


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