Why your Dog Business Name is important as your Dog business
For animal lovers and enthusiasts, starting a dog business is like embarking on an exciting adventure. You get to spend time with your favorite furry creatures and still get paid for it. However, before starting up this exciting business, there are certain important steps to take. First off, you need to pick out a creative name for your dog business. Although this sounds scary, there’s no need to panic. Picking out a dog business name is just as exciting (and a tad frustrating) as running the business itself!
Why Do You Need a Dog Business Name?
Picking out a name for your dog business is the first and most important step. Your business name defines you and what you do. Have you established a dog business without deciding on a name first? Here’s why you should stop in your tracks and pick out a name as soon as possible!
- Uniqueness: The dog business is a wide industry and quite a popular one. What will set your business apart from the thousands of existing dog businesses all over the world? A name would! Once you have a creative and unique business name, you have automatically placed a stamp and trademark of uniqueness on your dog business.
- Professionalism: Starting up a dog business without creating a name first makes your business seem unprofessional and tacky. Let’s imagine a scenario where you are a dog sitter and you have to introduce your business to a pet owner. Without a name, you would likely say:
“Hello. I’m Sandy Walker and I can take care of your dog for you”.
With the introduction above, there is a very high chance that you would not impress the pet owner because you have no name attached to your business. However, with a business name, you could say:
“Hello. I am Sandy Walker and I run Paw Care, a dog sitting business where your furry best friend gets the utmost care and affection”.
With the latter introduction, you have more chances of gaining a new client. Thus, picking out a name for your dog business helps to make it more professional and trustworthy.
Want to grow and scale your ‘Dog’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies which can bring a lot of Dog owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!
- It puts your business in the spotlight: Without a suitable creative name, your dog business may remain obscure and unrecognized. However, when you attach a name to the business, it puts your business out there for the world to see. A name is what gives your dog business identity and without one, you can not compete against other businesses.
- More clients: In today’s world, branding means everything. You can not run a successful business or attract clients without a brand. Pet owners and clients all over the world are more likely to patronize your business when you have a name attached to it. Without a name (brand), your dog business may seem substandard or untrustworthy.
Want to take care of your furry friends and get paid for it? Brainstorm and decide on an appropriate dog business name.
Things You Should Consider Before Picking out a Name for Your Dog Business
Picking out a name for your dog business is a very important phase and should not be rushed. Before deciding on a dog business name, there are several factors to be considered. Taking these factors into consideration will guide you in creating the best name for your dog business. Ready to start brainstorming? Here are some factors to consider while brainstorming:
- Your scope and niche: There are several types of dog businesses all over the world. Before creating a name for your business, you must decide the area which you want to venture into. For example, you could focus on dog sitting, dog training or dog walking and align your ideas with the niche you have chosen. Your niche will help you to create a suitable and creative name for your dog business.
- The tone and values you want to set: Every dog business has a tone and set of values which they portray to clients. As a dog business owner, your business name must be in line with the tone of the business. Thus, the tone which you are aiming to set should be in mind during the course of brainstorming. For example, if you wish to establish a friendly, personal tone with future clients, your dog business name should portray the desired tone.
- Long term goals: What are the long term goals for your dog business? Are you aiming to push past local boundaries or remain in the neighborhood? Your dog business name should be a reflection of your goals. If you decide to pick an unprofessional or inappropriate name, you may find it difficult to push past local boundaries. Hence, your dog business name should be one that would not require changing as you progress.
How to Create a Dog Business Name
Now that you have decided to create a name for your dog business, you may face some challenges. Buckle up and get ready! Creating a dog business name is no easy task and could leave you hunched over your desk in frustration for many hours. However, do not despair! There are ways and avenues to get around this seemingly difficult task. If you adhere to the following guidelines, you’d create an amazing name for your dog business in no time at all!
Ready to start churning out names? Here are a few steps to follow:
- Brainstorm: This is the first and most important step. You can not create an amazing business name without putting your brain cells to work. During the brainstorming session, it is important to avoid all forms of distractions and cling to sources of inspiration. For people who work better with music, a bit of soft, slow music could get your creative juices flowing. You could also bask in the warmth of nature and draw inspiration. When brainstorming, you would need to consider a lot of factors. What kind of dog business are you venturing into? What kind of dogs will you be working with? These factors will help in guiding your choice of a good business name.
- Ensure that the name is short: No one wants to spend minutes reading or pronouncing your business name. As a matter of fact, dog owners are likely to be more attracted to dog businesses with short, witty names. Your dog business name should not contain any unnecessary element. Stick to the barest minimum and cut out any unimportant words. Always remember: when it comes to dog business names, less is more. Shorter names are more likely to be remembered by present and future clients.
- Use the appropriate tone: Every brand and business has a tone which they maintain in all transactions and dealings with clients. When creating a name for your dog business, it has to be in line with your tone? Are you trying to set a strict, professional tone or a friendly, personal one? If you are seeking to create a friendly tone, your dog business name should elicit warmth and cheer. You should stick to an informal name and make use of puns or witty words. However, if your dog business is based on strict professionalism, you could stick to formal names.
- Stick to originality: When creating a name for your dog business, it is important to be as original as possible. There are tons of registered dog business names. However, no matter how creative a registered name may be, it is completely wrong and unethical to steal it. Using already registered dog business names will definitely cause more harm than good. You do not want your business to be mistaken for another. Thus, you should try as much as possible to remain original. To achieve this, you can brainstorm for days and even weeks!
- Don’t rush: This is a very important rule in creating a name for your dog business. It is always advisable to take your sweet time when creating a name. Take breaks and munch on a cookie or two. You can take as long as you want without panicking. Trying to get it all done in a hurry could cause you to choose a name that you’d end up regretting. Thus, it is best to go slowly in order to ensure that you make the right choice. Remember: your business name is a reflection of your values and goals!
- Avoid ambiguity: When deciding on a dog business name, it is important to avoid the use of ambiguous words or phrases. Your business name gives clients a hint of your services. You definitely do not want to leave them confused as to what you actually do. Let’s assume you own a dog walking business. Using a name such as “Dogs inc” may be a tad confusing. Clients may be left wondering if you breed dogs, train them or take care of them. Thus, your business name should leave a clue about the services you offer. However, this does not mean that your business name should be elongated.
- Be descriptive: When creating a name for your dog business, you need to be descriptive. Your business name should follow a descriptive pattern. For example, if you specialize in sitting old dogs, you could use a business name such as: “Sandy’s Home for Tired Paws”. Although this name may be long, it gives clients a clue as to what the business is all about. From the name, one can tell that the business takes care of old, tired dogs.
- Select a suitable creative name: After you must have followed the steps listed above, you are now faced with the ultimate decision: selecting a name. The selected name should be creative and appropriate. It is important to know that a dog business name sticks for a very long time. Thus, you need to be extremely careful when deciding on a name. After selecting a name, you will need to ask yourself certain questions such as:
- Will I need to change my dog business name in the future?
- Is the name appropriate for my dog business?
- Is it a reflection of my values?
These questions will help you decide if you have chosen the right name for your dog business or not.
- Research to ensure that the name is completely original: In some cases, you may pick out a name for your dog business and realize that the name is already in use. When this happens, do not fret or panic. Instead, brainstorm and find out ways to alter the name. After picking out a name for your dog business, your next step should always be to crosscheck and ensure that the name is not already in use. To do this, you can surf the internet or go through local records. However, the former option is more convenient.
- Register your dog business name: This is the final step in creating a dog business name. Registering your business name gives you legal and exclusive rights to the name. It also proves to clients that you are legitimate and capable of running a dog business.
Qualities of a Good Dog Business Name
The perfect dog business name has several qualities which differentiate it from other bland names. Trying to see if your business name is good enough? Here are the qualities of a good dog business name:
- It must be easy to pronounce: No client wants to bite his tongue while trying to pronounce your business name. As such, it should be simple and very easy to pronounce.
- It must be memorable: When creating a name for your dog business, it is important to select one which would leave a lasting impression on the minds of the clients.
Creating a name for your dog business may be frustrating and tiring. However, it can be exciting too! With the guidelines listed above, you will have no problems creating an original dog business name. Ready to create an amazing name? You can start now. Give your dog business the name it deserves!
Want to grow and scale your ‘Dog’ Business ?? Then you need to apply right targeted strategies which can bring a lot of Dog owners as your customers!! Click here to know more!